The same way we have an idea on how we would like our lives to be after retirement and make a plan on how much money we need to save to accomplish it, we should have an idea of how we would like our physical and mental health to be as we get older and plan for it.
Even if you are young and it far for you, you need to think about it and take action now. Here are some facts about how our body changes as we get older:
- Body fat increases, usually accumulating around the torso, under the skin and around vital organs (representing cardiovascular health risks)
- Muscle mass declines substantially, leading to a loss in overall muscle strength
- Aerobic and anaerobic capacity decline
- Changes in balance, posture and locomotion
- Declining on metabolic rate and lean muscle mass composition
These changes won’t happen overnight, and they aren’t the only ones our body will go through (but they are some of the most noticeable ones); however, there are several more that are not so obvious, and that can dramatically impact our quality of life as we get older.
Making small adjustments to your routine today can pay off in the future. You don’t need to go crazy exercising 24x7 and having a restrictive diet, but if you consistently work on improving your nutrition and becoming more active, you’ll definitely set yourself up for success.
Life will always be busy and we will not always be motivated, but having in mind our health and how we want it to be during our late adulthood will for sure help us make changes to our routine towards a healthier lifestyle.